Animal sacrifices before Goddess Kali

Question: Mexican representative Aurelio Diaz Tekpankali had asked Dr Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee’s opinion on the sacrifice of animals before Goddess Kali.

Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee: Animal propensities exist in every human. The sensory faculties emanating from kinetic Prana are the animal propensities. Sanatana dharma contains the process of controlling these bestial proclivities. But due to the decadence of the age, man has forgotten the eternal sadhana, therefore performs sacrifices before Goddess Kali. Consequently, man fails to annihilate the bestial propensities within himself. This is how Sanatana dharma has attained distortion. In India a marginal amount of people render animal sacrifice.

(Excerpts from the interview of Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee at the Parliament of World Religions, Val. St. Hugon France, April 27-30, 1997)

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