Parliament of World Religions
Mahamahopadhyaya Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee
Mahamahopadhyaya Dr Chatterjee was invited as the sole representant- intervenant from Bharat by HH The Dalai Lama for the World Parliament of Religions held at Val St Hugon France in 1997 under the auspices of the UNO, UNESCO and
Parliament of World Religions
Mahamahopadhyaya Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee
Bigger significance being God made His Advent as Bhagwan Ram at the end of Tretayuga but Ramayana was composed by His manifestation, Valmiki, as Lord Krishna at the end of Dwaparyuga but Mahabharata and Gita was composed by His manifestation Krishna Dvaipayana-Vyasdeva and likewise as Shamachurn Lahiree God at the end of Kaliyuga and ‘Purana Purusha’ was authored by His own manifestation Mahamahopadhyaya Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee. Thus in this manner at the transition of each yuga in accordance with its respective necessity, God establishes His own ideals.
God makes His Advent only at the juncture of two yugas when humanity suffers a religious decadence. He wholly manifests Himself in the Form of a Human Being to enable us mortals to come closer to Him, to enable us to divulge all our afflictions and joys to Him and also in order to impart His teachings to us. If He appears in any other Form, it would never be possible for us to be close to Him. Being born as a Mortal, He does not break His own rule i.e. He has to abide by the mortal afflictions, sorrows, etc. This rigorous discipline on His part is intended for our upliftment and knowledge.
Only Yogiraj having the Divine Prerogative to attain the post attainment state of merging has recounted this and thus declared the Omnific Words — ‘I Am God’ in His diary which the reader will glean from Chapter-IX. Shama Churn is Indefinable, Unquestionable, Non-answerable, Incomparable, Nondebatable, Unconfinable, Indivisible. He can be defined as; questionable to; answerable to, compared with; debated for and against; confined within; divided by; none other than Shama Churn Himself.
Gita of Satyáyuga – a biography based on 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree – shows mankind the spiritual path of sadhana to achieve soul realisation while juxtaposing His family life thereby no need to renunciate, in effect gave declining Kriyayoga a push.
The book is a forceful yogic exposé on Prana scientifically (yogic science) analysing the Esse of Yogiraj Shyamachurn Lahiree-Absolute Prana, the Origin and Mergence, the Progenitor, the Primordial; everything within and beyond yet nothing, thus the Allness yet Nothingness. It expounds the fact that spirituality transcends religion and the subtle juxtaposition of the various facets of spirituality. This book unfolds the Babaji essence thereby putting to rest all the various yarns and misconceptions spun around him.
The book “Who is this Shamachurn” forms the last of the trilogies on Shamachurn, the Fountain-Head of Kriyayoga, the first being “Purana Purusha Yogiraj Sri Shamachurn Lahiree”, an authentic biography on Shamachurn, the second “Shamachurn Kriyayoga and Non-Duality” an annotation of one hundred quotations of Lahiree Mahasaya.
The Greatest Household-Yogi Shamachurn has been upheld to humankind by an impeccable stroke of dexterity. None before has laid bare the essence, concept, philosophy, the Esse, the sublime spirituality and spiritual sublimity of Shamachurn. This book indeed unravels the esotery of Shamachurn; ignites and kindles the flame to know the truth about Shamachurn; dispels any apprehensions or dichotomies about the Non-Debatable Shamachurn; refutes and quashes the gross absurdities propounded about the Absolute Shamachurn; enlightens and elevates the Shamachurn seekers into the sublimity of the subtle Prana or soul.
The book is a forceful yogic exposé on Prana scientifically (yogic science) analysing the Esse of Yogiraj Shyamachurn Lahiree-Absolute Prana, the Origin and Mergence, the Progenitor, the Primordial; everything within and beyond yet
1. Purana Purusha
Purana Purusha is the most authentic biography of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiree. It is a composite scriptural work based on the 26 secret confidential diaries of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiree Mahasaya. The book expounds on the science of Kriyayoga and presents the Truth as penned by Lahiree Mahasaya based on his sadhana realisations. The ideals and tenets as expounded in the book are deeply connected to India’s (Bharat’s) rich and varied cultural and spiritual traditions.
2. Shyamacharan Kriyayoga & Advatabad (Non-Duality)
This book is based on select 100 significant annotations from the 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree Mahasaya. These annotations are sadhana derived direct realizations of Lahiree Mahasaya and of immense significance for those pursuing sadhana. The author at the behest of his Guru Satyacharan Lahiri Mahasaya authored this composite scripture to save the actual essence of annotations from dilutions or distortions from non-Yogis and for the benefit of future Yogis. Intricate aspects of Kriyayoga has been elucidated by the author lucidly and this book is loved by all Kriyayoga practitioners.
3. Who is this Shama Churn?
The book is a forceful yogic exposé on Prana scientifically (yogic science), the foundation of India’s deepest cultural traditions. It expounds the fact that spirituality transcends religion. None before has laid bare the essence, concept, philosophy, the Esse, the sublime spirituality of Shamachurn. This book indeed unravels the esotery of Shamachurn; ignites and kindles the flame to know the truth about Shamachurn; dispels any apprehensions or dichotomies about the Non-Debatable Shamachurn and enlightens and elevates the Shamachurn seekers into the sublimity of the subtle Prana or soul
Yogiraj Trilogy comes with a set of three Divine Scriptures authored by Venerable Gurudeva Mahamahopadhyaya Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee.