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Parliament of World Religions
Mahamahopadhyaya Dr Chatterjee was invited as the sole representant- intervenant from Bharat by HH The Dalai Lama for the World Parliament of Religions held at Val St Hugon France in 1997 under the auspices of the UNO, UNESCO and
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Prana-Prevaded Universe
First book in Bengali penned by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee in 1978 is a veritable guide to humanity about the concept of Prana. He has categorically & scientifically explained Prana – the abstruse science – with apt illustrations from the
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Satyacharan in the Abode of Truth
This book unfolds the profound relationship between Guru and disciple. Through the medium of the book Mahamahopadhyaya Dr Chatterjee explains the concept of the Guru,
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Shyamacharan Upadesabali Set – English & Hindi
Shyamacharan Upadesabali Set contains both the English and Hindi versions of the book.
All the Divine Apophthegms from the 26 sastras of Yogiraj Shyamacharan Lahiri Mahasaya compiled by Yogacharya Dr. A. K. Chatterjee. -
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Yogiraj Trilogy – English
Yogiraj Trilogy comes with a set of three Divine Scriptures authored by Venerable Gurudeva Mahamahopadhyaya Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee.