Showing 1–9 of 18 results
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Based on select 100 significant annotations from the 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree – based on His sadhana derived direct realizations is of immense significance to Yogis practising sadhana.
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Parliament of World Religions
Mahamahopadhyaya Dr Chatterjee was invited as the sole representant- intervenant from Bharat by HH The Dalai Lama for the World Parliament of Religions held at Val St Hugon France in 1997 under the auspices of the UNO, UNESCO and
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Prana-Prevaded Universe
First book in Bengali penned by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee in 1978 is a veritable guide to humanity about the concept of Prana. He has categorically & scientifically explained Prana – the abstruse science – with apt illustrations from the
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Pranamayam Jagat (Hindi)
First book in Bengali penned by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee in 1978 is a veritable guide to humanity about the concept of Prana. He has categorically & scientifically explained Prana – the abstruse science – with apt illustrations from the
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Pranamayam Jagat (Marathi)
First book in Bengali penned by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee in 1978 is a veritable guide to humanity about the concept of Prana. He has categorically & scientifically explained Prana – the abstruse science – with apt illustrations from the
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Pranmayam Jagad (Telugu)
First book in Bengali penned by Yogacharya Dr. Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee in 1978 is a veritable guide to humanity about the concept of Prana. He has categorically & scientifically explained Prana – the abstruse science – with apt illustrations from the
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Purana Purusha (Bengali)
Gita of Satyáyuga – a biography based on 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree – shows mankind the spiritual path of sadhana to achieve soul realisation while juxtaposing His family life thereby no need to renunciate, in effect gave declining
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Purana Purusha (Gujarati)
Gita of Satyáyuga – a biography based on 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree – shows mankind the spiritual path of sadhana to achieve soul realisation while juxtaposing His family life thereby no need to renunciate, in effect gave declining Kriyayoga a push
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Purana Purusha (Marathi)
Gita of Satyáyuga – a biography based on 26 confidential diaries of Shamachurn Lahiree – shows mankind the spiritual path of sadhana to achieve soul realisation while juxtaposing His family life thereby no need to renunciate, in effect gave